If you are working out, you are more than likely hoping for a harder, stronger body. This means you should carry with you your post-workout meal, to ensure that the protein gets to the muscle and that it replenishes the blood sugar that you have used up. Many people feel that having a protein drink is a great way to build muscle. You cannot in any way, shape, or form, replace protein powder with real food. You cannot live on powders. Protein powder is just what it says it is – a supplement.
Let’s look at the amount of protein and carbohydrate you should have after a workout: females, 2 or 3 oz of protein, 4 oz of carb; males, 4 oz of protein, 4 to 6 oz of carbohydrate. Excellent forms of carbs include beans, rice, sweet potatoes, yams and so on. For an ectomorph, simply add cheese, avocados, and bread to your carbs, thus slowing down your metabolism. For protein, the ectomorph can benefit from lean, red meat, including lean filet mignon, round steak, lean tri tip, or believe it or not, buffalo, which is extremely dense, with very little fat and makes for excellent protein, no matter what your body type.