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      You will be able to find many answers to commonly asked questions in these forums as well as ask our experts for advice with your program and ask your community for recipe and troubleshooting ideas!

      Please follow simple rules of conduct:

      • No cursing or foul language is allowed on the forum.
      • Please do not judge other people’s actions or advice. Everyone is different and what works for some, may not work for all.
      • There is no such thing as a stupid or dumb question. Please do not interject any judgement into other people’s commentaries.

      Dietary Precautions

      This program is designed to make you feel better, so if at any time you feel discomfort while following this nutrition plan, you must break the diet! Some common occurrences of dieting are low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), and low blood pressure (hypotension). NOTE: When you are unsure of the cause or symptom, break the diet and have both sugar and salt followed by carbs, proteins, and fats to stabilize your body and call us

      Low Blood Sugar

      Symptoms of low blood sugar:

      • You may feel a cold sweat or get blurry vision.
      • A feeling of being “spaced out”, or losing your ability to speak or concentrate.
      • Lethargic, weak, shaky, faint
      • Headaches, nausea, or an unexplained hangover


      • There are not enough carbohydrates and/or protein in the blood stream.
      • You may have exercised off, or burned away all you blood sugar.
      • Or you have waited too long between meals.


      • Have sugar immediately! Drink some juice, milk, Gatorade, soda, eat an orange, a candy bar, or anything with sugar. This will elevate blood sugar level immediately.
      • Follow up as soon as possible with bread or other carbohydrate and protein with fat. For example, any fast food. This combination will hold your blood sugar.

      Modifying the diet:

      • Have fresh pineapple, raisins or other fruit for snacks during the day in between meals
      • Keep energy bars or peanut butter in the office or car incase of emergency
      • Do not deplete carbohydrates in the morning or for more than two meals in a row

      Low Blood Pressure

      Symptoms of low blood pressure:

      • Fatigue, malaise, or lethargy
      • Irregular or elevated heart rate
      • Clammy, sweaty skin
      • Dizzy or light headed


      • The diuretic nature of this diet can causes the loss of electrolytes and sodium
      • The same happens through profuse perspiration
      • Dehydration


      • Replenish lost electrolytes and sodium with an electrolyte drink such as Gatorade, or EmergenC, with extra salt.
      • Eat a salty snack such as potato chips and something sugary such as orange juice. This sugar and salt combination will help stabilize blood pressure.


      • Add sodium to morning meals and/or other meals as needed
      • Monitor blood pressure. A healthy and normal blood pressure range is within 100/70, and 120/80.
        NOTE: When you are unsure of the cause or symptom, break the diet and have both sugar and salt followed by carbs, proteins, and fats to stabilize your body and call us.  
    • 20,414
    • 20,770
    • 2 days, 22 hours ago

      RhetaNowZY RhetaNowZY