Most of the time we try minimize oils and fats as much as safely possible. However, for those who have dry skin ,hair and nails a small handful of nuts once or twice per week is appropriate. Although, salmon and olive oil are far, far superior substitutes.
But nuts are proteins. Incorrect! Nuts contain some protein. However, the nut with the highest percentage of protein per calorie is an almond and it still contains only 6 grams of protein compared to 14 grams of fat (more than double) and 6 grams of carbohydrate. So why do people think nuts are protein? Marketing! Don’t believe the hype-always go out and validate all statements. But avocados and coconuts and fats are healthy! In small quantities they are. However, at this stage of your weight loss program, it’s time to eliminate them for a short while. After about 4-6 weeks on the program you will add olive oil and some other natural oils back into your plan. However, for now, you will get plenty of dietary fat by following the rest of the guidelines thus far.
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