You should eat breakfast first thing in the morning and eat every two to three hours after, and the food should consist of unprocessed, clean, healthy food (not bread). This jump starts your metabolism. You should also eat before you workout with weights or perform any high intensity workout. This is because high intensity workouts utilize sugar as a fuel source. You do not burn fat when you exercise at a high intensity level. This has been proven absolutely scientifically in many peer reviewed research studies! If you do not eat prior to exercise, your body will consume muscle as a fuel source. This is because it only needs to strip a nitrogen molecule from a protein to convert it to a carbohydrate. Whereas it needs to go through a very complex multiple (over 30) step process known as the Kreb’s Cycle.
You should also eat before and after an intense period of concentration, problem solving, high stress, and thinking. This is because the nervous system only operates on carbohydrates (sugars). Your brain does not burn body fat-it’s too fast!
Eating clean, unprocessed food is not easy for those who have not been exposed to cooking and eating foods that are good for you – but as one client of mine said, “If I had known healthy food could be this delicious, I would have started years ago!” There is a video with this program on how to de-junk food your kitchen, how to shop for good, clean food, and how to prepare food in bulk so that you always have good food on hand. We hope you will watch it and learn from it. If you do this, you will see amazing changes in your body and the way you feel.