Alcohol is known as an “empty calorie” but that is no the end of it. There are obviously much more detrimental impacts. However, I’m only going to discuss the one that impacts weight loss. Alcohol is a toxin, which is evidenced by how it impairs your functions neurologically and you can actually die of alcohol poisoning. It’s not really good for you in high quantity. You have probably heard that one glass of red wine per night can have some health benefits and we have clients who site those research studies to adhere to their daily alcohol regimen. We disagree that daily (nightly) alcohol consumption is necessary. It also will generally slow metabolic rate.
Alcohol is not only a neurotoxin however. It also breaks down into acetaldehyde which is a carcinogen. It is then, ultimately broken down into water and carbon dioxide and eliminated very similarly to fat. And this is how alcohol slows weight loss. Because it is toxic to the body and metabolizes and is eliminated through the same methods as fat cells are, Alcohol is given priority. Therefore, as long as alcohol is being metabolized, fat is not! This is similar to when you have two urgent matters you need to take care of: Go to the gym or take your child to (fill in the blank). You can’t do both things at the same time and sometimes your internal body functions are in a similar position. I’m sure you understand!
This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by